B. Braun Medical Inc
Product Description: 滋养胺(10%氨基酸注射),500毫升容器,仅Rx,目录号S9341-SS,无菌,单剂量容器,B Braun Medical Inc.,Irvine CA 92614-5895,NDC 0264-9341-55
Status: Ongoing
City: 尔湾
State: CA
Country: US
Voluntary/Mandated: Voluntary: Firm Initiated
Distribution Pattern: Nationwide, Puerto Rico and Spain
Classification: 第一类
Product Quantity: 17,544 units
召回的原因: 颗粒物的存在:B。Braun Medical Inc.正在召回几种可在储备样品单元中发现的可见颗粒物而导致的注射产品。
召回开始日期: 20131121
Report Date: 20140507







安全,有效地使用肠胃外营养需要了解营养知识以及识别和治疗可能发生并发症的临床专业知识。频繁的临床评估和实验室确定对于正确监测肠胃外营养是必要的。Studies should include blood sugar, serum proteins, kidney and liver function tests, electrolytes, hemogram, carbon dioxide content, serum osmolalities, blood cultures, and blood ammonia levels.

WARNING: This product contains aluminum that may be toxic. Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration if kidney function is impaired. Premature neonates are particularly at risk because their kidneys are immature, and they require large amounts of calcium and phosphate solutions, which contain aluminum.

研究表明,肾脏功能受损的患者,包括过早的新生儿,他们在4至5 mcg/kg/day的肠胃脂水平以与中枢神经系统和骨骼毒性相关的水平上积累了铝。组织负荷可能以更低的给药速率发生。


Administration of intravenous solutions can cause fluid and/or solute overload resulting in dilution of serum electrolyte concentrations, overhydration, congested states, or pulmonary edema. The risk of dilutional states is inversely proportional to the electrolyte concentrations of the solutions. The risk of solute overload causing congested states with peripheral and pulmonary edema is directly proportional to the electrolyte concentrations of the solutions.

Administration of amino acid solutions to a patient with hepatic insufficiency may result in plasma amino acid imbalances, hyperammonemia, prerenal azotemia, stupor and coma.

Hyperammonemia is ofspecial significance in infants由于其在遗传代谢缺陷引起的综合征中的发生,有时与智力低下有关,尽管不一定是在因果关系中。该反应似乎与剂量有关,并且在长期治疗期间更有可能发展。至关重要的是,在婴儿中经常测量血液。该反应的机制尚未明确定义,但可能涉及遗传缺陷,肝功能不成熟或​​非临床损害。


This product contains sodium metabisulfite, a sulfite that may cause allergic-type reactions including anaphylactic symptoms and life-threatening or severe asthmatic episodes in certain susceptible people. The overall prevalence of sulfite sensitivity in the general population is unknown and probably low. Sulfite sensitivity is seen more frequently in asthmatic than in nonasthmatic people.


There is currently no legal information available for this drug.




目前还没有生产informa的警告tion available for this drug.


There are currently no FDA labeling changes available for this drug.


滋养胺®用于婴儿的营养支持(包括低出生体重)和通过中央或周围输注路线需要TPN的年轻儿科患者。用Trophamine®表示肠胃外营养可预防氮和体重减轻,或治疗婴儿和年轻的儿科患者的负氮平衡,而(1)通过口服,胃造口术或jejunostomy途径,不应或不应使用或不应使用或不应使用或不应使用的消化道。这些路线不可行,足够的蛋白质摄入是不可行的。(2)蛋白质的胃肠道吸收受损;或(3)随着广泛的燃烧,蛋白质的需求大大增加。非蛋白质卡路里的剂量,给药途径和伴随输注取决于各种因素,例如患者的营养和代谢状况,预期的肠胃外营养支持持续时间以及静脉耐受性。看WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS,Pediatric Use,andDOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION



Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition

对于未指示中央静脉途径的中等分解代谢或枯竭的患者,可以将氨基酸溶液与5-10%的葡萄糖溶液混合在一起,并由外周静脉注入,并补充(如果需要),并用脂肪乳液进行补充。在小儿患者中,最终溶液不应超过正常血清渗透压(718 MOSMOL/L)的两倍。



Other Information


除甘氨酸USP外,所有指定USP的氨基酸都是“ L”异构体,没有异构体。

Holt LE, Snyderman SE: The amino acid requirements of infants. JAMA 1961; 175(2):124–127.
Rigo J,Senterre J:牛磺酸对新生儿必不可少吗?生物新生儿1977年;32:73–76。
Gaull G,Sturman JA,RäihäNCR:哺乳动物硫代谢的发展:人类胎儿组织中缺乏囊肿酶。Pediatr Res 1972;6:538–547。
Provided as acetic acid and Iysine acetate.
Each 100 mL contains:
Essential Amino Acids 6% 10%
Isoleucine USP 0.49 g 0.82 g
Leucine USP 0.84 g 1.4 g
赖氨酸 0.49 g 0.82 g
(added as Lysine Acetate USP 0.69 g 1.2 g)
Methionine USP 0.20 g 0.34 g
Phenylalanine USP 0.29 g 0.48 g
Threonine USP 0.25 g 0.42 g
Tryptophan USP 0.12 g 0.20 g
Valine USP 0.47 g 0.78 g
Cysteine <0.014 g <0.016 g
(如半胱氨酸HCl∙h2O USP <0.020 g <0.024 g)
Histidine USP* 0.29 g 0.48 g
Tyrosine* 0.14 g 0.24 g
(添加为酪氨酸USP 0.044 g 0.044 g
和N-乙酰基-L-酪氨酸 0.12 g 0.24 g)
Nonessential Amino Acids
Alanine USP 0.32 g 0.54 g
精氨酸USP 0.73 g 1.2 g
Proline USP 0.41 g 0.68 g
Serine USP 0.23 g 0.38 g
甘氨酸USP 0.22 g 0.36 g
L-天冬氨酸 0.19 g 0.32 g
L-Glutamic Acid 0.30 g 0.50 g
Taurine †, 0.015 g 0.025 g
钠硫酸钠NF(作为抗氧化剂) <0.050 g <0.050 g
Water for Injection USP qs qs
pH: 5.5 (5.0–6.0)
计算。渗透性(Mosmol/L) 525 875
总氨基酸(克/升) 60 100
总氮(克/升) 9.3 15.5
Protein Equivalent (grams/liter) 58 97
5 5
§Acetate (CH3) 54.4 97
氯化物 <3 <3

Trophamine Manufacturers

  • B. Braun Medical Inc.
    Trophamine (Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine Acetate, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Cysteine Hydrochloride, Histidine, Tyrosine, N-acetyl-tyrosine, Alanine, Arginine, Proline, Serine, Glycine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, And Taurine)解决方案[B.Braun Medical Inc.]

