

tanofi-aventis制造了cantotere(多西他赛)。目前,该公司在接受化学疗法药物治疗后,面临着遭受永久脱发或“脱发”患者的几项诉讼,作为其与前列腺,卵巢癌或乳腺癌作斗争的一部分。尽管其他常见的化学疗法药物可能会导致暂时的脱发,但这些药物往往会在其副作用中列出这种风险 - 一旦使用该药物治疗,患者的头发就会恢复。然而,就税单鼠而言,看来在治疗期间失去头发的患者将nevergrow it back. The claim that taxotere has permanently disfigured unwitting cancer patients is at the center of these “class action” lawsuits.

In addition, when Taxotere was first marketed, its manufacturer advertised the drug as being more effective than a close competitor, paclitaxel (manufactured under the brand names Taxol and Onxol). While the relative effectiveness of these drugs in treating different types of cancer is still a subject of study and research, it does appear that Taxotere has considerably more dangerous potential side effects than its closest competitors.

Currently, lawsuits that have been filed against Sanofi-Aventis over the use of Taxotere tend to make similar claims. These claims include:

  • That Taxotere is defective and unreasonably dangerous for human use,
  • Sanofi-aventis在制造cantotere的方式上疏忽了
  • That Sanofi-Aventis failed to test Taxotere properly,
  • That Sanofi-Aventis failed to warn doctors and patients of the risks of permanent hair loss and other serious or potentially fatal side effects,
  • That Sanofi-Aventis had evidence of these dangers but concealed it, misrepresenting Taxotere’s safety and effectiveness in its marketing materials instead.

特别是,赛诺菲赞助了一项名为Geicam 9805的研究,该研究始于1990年代后期。到2005年,该研究揭示了9.2%的使用cantotere的患者已永久脱发。落基山癌症中心在2006年重复研究发现,超过6%的研究患者已永久脱发。尽管如此,Sanofi-aventis继续出售和市场范式纳税人,而没有提及永久脱发的风险,使患者没有机会计划,准备或做出其他选择。

Taxotere Settlements

As of November 2016, 188 claims have been consolidated as a多区域诉讼(MDL)目前未决in the Eastern District of Louisiana as “MDL 2740 The Taxotere (docetaxel) Products Liability Litigation”.

The尊敬的法官库尔特·恩格哈特(Kurt D. Engelhardt)首席法官USDC已经分配给监督the proceedings. Pretrial orders establishing guidelines for filing requests for summons and summons returns have been issues but no settlements have occurred at this time.

If you have used Taxotere and would like more information regarding settlements or would like to know if you qualify to join pending litigation, please complete the “Free Taxotere Case Evaluation” form on this page.

Background Information

Taxotere (docetaxel), also sold under the brand name Docefrez, is a medication used to treat many different types of cancer, including cancer of the breasts, lungs, stomach, prostate, and head or neck. It is especially common in the treatment of breast cancer, hence the central issues in the pending lawsuits of permanent hair loss in women.

Taxotere works by interfering with the growth of cancer cells, slowing down their growth rate and making it more difficult for them to spread to other areas of the body. Currently, it is one of the most commonly-prescribed drugs in its class. In 2009 alone, Taxotere’s manufactuer, Sanofi-Aventis, made $3 billion from Taxotere sales.

Taxotere is administered by injection to patients, about once every three weeks. Some patients receive other cancer medications at the same time, depending on the treatment plan created by their doctors. Often, patients will receive corticosteroids, such as prednisone, before their Taxotere dose in order to help control certain side effects, such as swelling.

Taxotere has a number of known and listed side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, numbness in fingers and toes, swelling, skin problems, and a reduced white blood cell count that makes it more difficult for the patient’s body to fight infections. Some patients have also reported a low red blood cell count (anemia), which can cause symptoms like fatigue and dizziness. Because of side effects such as these, Taxotere carries a number of warnings.

However, many patients have reported side effects and medical conditions that are not listed in Taxotere’s warnings.

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